what is the best midfield combo

Started by chrisuzz, February 28, 2010, 09:44:50 AM

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what is the best midfield combo? you can even make your own edits to the combos.

Bartel, Selwood, Vince, Armitage, Martin, Trengrove (Barlow/Morbiato/Shuey/Bastinac)
Bartel, Selwood, Vince, Armitage, Martin, Conors (Barlow/Shuey/Bastinac/Morbiato)


ablett, swan, bartel, selwood, mitchell, martin
nah...way to expensive
mine is
selwood, mitchell, cooney, mackay, masten, martin
if you dont like mackay then armo or upgrade to a boak or steven salopek
res; shuey, bastinac, jetta, banner
i have shuey and banner but seriously considering jetta after two (1 and 1 quater) star games