Matthew Boyd

Started by stevemac, February 22, 2010, 10:45:06 AM

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M. Boyd is the best (DT) midfielder in a potential premiership team.

Why am I the only guy jumping on board?!?!?!

Is it because he has to compete with the likes of Cooney, Cross, Gilbee etc for points??

Please learn me good.


What a joke and premiership team!  :P hahahahaha


nah mainly cos he will get the number 1 tag each week. also yes i too give the dogs a premiership chance


number 1 tag before cooney?


yeh IMO. he just seems to get ore of the ball and use it better.

Justin Bieber

he gets tagged and tags others. he can handle the tag pretty well and still rack em up. i've been on him since 07 ;D. every fantasy team i make has him as number 1 pick.

boyd's a great tackler and ball getter. he somehow plays games unnoticed with cross, gilbee and cooney getting in the spotlight.

Keep him quiet though, don't want him to become a popular pick. i hate having popular guys in my teams.  :D


i to make boyd my first pick, whenever i see someone else team they never have him and i ask why and they think he's crap. good to keep him under the radar