Which two?

Started by KingJB, February 24, 2013, 07:41:46 PM

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Should I take Moloney and Russell
Embley and Atley

betch ya

Moloney and Russell - if Russell has good JS which remains to be seen - he should imo


The Bull & Russell. Not a fan of Atley TBH.


Yep, Moloney and Russell for me as well.

Moloney looked the goods last night, and Russ looked very good when he played in NAB last week, but still not sold on his JS tbh. If he is named round 1 though, get on option 1.

...This is Jordan Russell yeah?


Don't think it'd be Luke Russell.


Yeah mate Jordan! Yeah I'm gonna go that I reckon or if I can get a touch more cash somehow by shuffling ill go Moloney and Broughton I reckon that would be the better of both


Actually iv had a blonde moment That's an extra 100k haha won't be finding that! Shouldn't be playing with my team hungover!


lol yeah might be a bit hard to do that ;)

nah think option 1 is the way to go mate, Moloney was impressive as was Russell, while I just think Embley & Atley will be a bit too inconsistent this year for my liking.


Obviously wait until they've all played some full games, but Moloney destroyed last night. So I would be going with him and Russell at this stage.


As a fellow lions boy I love having them in my team!  :D


currently have Embley, Moloney and Atley. Can't fit both Atley and Russell in Defence.

Although plenty of rookies in the midfield, but the midfield looks more solid if you have both Embley and Moloney in there, some added fire power for half the cost of a premium and can be used as a stepping stone to super premium when upgrading.