Early Season BOLTER?

Started by Adamant, February 19, 2013, 11:47:29 PM

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Anybody considering Jude Bolton? He averaged 90 if you remove his sub affected 49, which is higher than the likes of Tex Walker, NRoo, Dusty and Wright to name a few...

The main reason for this thread was that his easy draw early could mean that he is a great starting option. Here are Sydney's first 5 opponents for 2013 with Bolton's 2012 scores against them:

GWS - 97 & 101
Gold Coast - 128
North Melbourne - 61
Geelong - 96 & 86
St Kilda - 72 & 87

Average = 92

They aren't amazing numbers, but just gives some food for thought. A lot of people are using NRoo for his easy draw early, so Bolts could be a massive unique alternative. Personally, I won't be going near him, but just thought I'd create some discussion.

The It

I was actually looking at him earlier today. I might start with him for round one possibly two and then trade him straight to Johnson with left over cash.


seems VERY erratic (with scores such as high as 150, and as low as 47 last year)

i prefer someone with a bit more consistency personally, especially for a short term fix