Starting Mid's 4 & 5: Fyfe & Mundy

Started by PowerMan, February 15, 2013, 11:07:32 AM

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I was wondering if anyone else thinking about doing this? and keeping the Mid 6 spot for your Varcoe/Knights type of player

Biscuit Warriors

I like fyfe and mundy as m4 + 5. I will prob. use the structure of Super premos In m1 2 and 3 fyfe + mundy in m4 + 5 and the rest rookies for upgrades. Fyfe and mundy will both earn premo status by seasons end IMO.


Mundy too injury prone, but Fyfe is an interesting prospect... doesn't quite have a high enough ceiling for a MID premium for mine (could change), but looks set to crack a 100 average if he doesn't get injured mid-game (makes him slightly under-priced at the moment). Kieran Jack has GWS and GC first up so I'm preferring to spend the extra $50k on him at M4, that money is made by selecting Ball at M5.

So I won't be starting with Fyfe, but if he starts the season hot I could go somewhat sideways to him early and lock him in for the year...