other options

Started by truBLUE, February 10, 2013, 04:32:33 PM

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Guys looking at a couple of mids and needed some advice 1) Kade simpson $481,600 avg=93.47  way underpriced imo but can he lift his avg for 2013    (2) Harley Bennell $438,200 avg  85,05 had a really good 2012 is he worth a punt or too pricey (3) luke ball is he too risky to have ,would appreciate any feedback cheers TB


I have Simpson in my roughie only team, could score well, watch nab cup form, role and how opposition coaches handle him.
Bennell I'd be strongly considering if mid/fwd dpp. Without it, can't see himg etting in. Will go 90-95 imo.
Ball is too expensive to be a cash cow for me, will gain some money but not for my structure.


thanks  Jukes i do like simpson didnt have a real good 2012 but wast the worst either,will defently watch in NAB ,Wasnt sure about ball price wise maybe will look at embley