Looking to improve. SC 2010

Started by Zaphod48, February 21, 2010, 12:05:44 PM

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C Enright
L Hodge
D Pratt
T Kennelly
N Suban
J Hunt
B Sheppard
A Moore
P Davis

G Ablett
S Thompson
A Cooney
L Gilbee
S Burgoyne (unsure)
T Cotchin
J Trengrove
A Morabito

M Kreuzer
D Hille (unsure)
R Warnock
M Lobbe

P Chapman (unsure)
M Lecras
K Tippett
R Murphy (unsure)
P Dangerfield
J Ziebell
C Mayne
S Gumbleton
T Dennis-Lane

Hoping to do a lot better this year than I did last. Pointers appreiciated

Bs Flyers

You have a big midfield.  imo I would change Burgoyne for one of your bench rookies and add a Shuey / Banner / Bastinac / L Jetta.  There are so many good mid rookies it seems the idea to try to take advantage of it (I currently have martin, trengrove and morabito starting).  I'd use the extra money to upgrade the backs as there seems to be a long tail. Hille still has a lot of question marks but at that price Nic Nat seems the only other good option.  There seems to be better options than Chapman riewoldt, rok, goodes.  The forwards seem to lack punch there's one big gun then the couple of high mids then low mids could look at the overall balance here.