ME being a jerk

Started by salver11, December 11, 2012, 05:12:15 PM

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Thanks for the pasting on here guys, I genuinely mean that. I realise now what I've said was a prick thing and pretty immature. I do however stand by the feelings behind what I ment to articulate here. Being on an Afl list is a privilage that around 800 young men get to experience. Not only do they get paid to play the sport they love, they get to do it in the best facilites imaginable. To go with that they are encouraged to ready themselves for life after football, helped in whatever direction they wish to study or persue.They get taught about finances and how to manage there money. They have access to the best medical treatment which in Toy's case i'm sure was more than helpful. They have infront of them an immesurable amount of tools to become a succesful human being that millions of others do not.

You only have to look at Kyle Horsley as an example of what life without football could be, he was installing reticuation for a living on the day he was thrown his chance in the rookie draft, has moved across the country and grabbed his chance with both hands.

I don't wish failure upon Prismal, Toy or anyone for that matter and I know both themselves and there families would have made great sacrifices for there AFL careers and it would be a massive kick in the guts not to get selected today but if you turn down a one year contract to be in that system chasing something better then you'd want to be prepared for the chance that you might find yourself installing retic rather than getting paid to play football infront of thousands of people. 

Anyhow I'll do what was requested here and keep my opinions to myself from now on.



And no probs man. Might just need to put them forward a little more intelligently. Clearly not everyone shares your opinion so just keep that in mind when offering them up :)


Toy was seeking a move back to Victoria. For all we know, he would prefer to be in Victoria and (presumably) play VFL than stay at GC in AFL. So really he may be happier now anyway and not overly sad he didn't get picked up (I am sure he still desperately wanted to make it onto a Victorian list).

Prismall from what I read was guaranteed a place at the Bulldogs before he declined his Essendon contract (not that I can be bothered searching for the article(s) at the moment and double checking the quotes) and pardon the pun but it is a pretty dog act if they did this and changed their mind. Imagine how Prismall would feel if that actually happened. Imagine you worked for a bank and they offered you a one year deal and while you thought about it another bank said if you don't want to stay at that bank we will give you a bigger two year deal, so you left the first bank but then the second bank changed their mind and signed someone else, and now you have burnt your bridges at your old bank. Have a lot if sympathy for Brent if something like this happened.

Anyway thanks for your apology mate, I disagree that you have to keep your opinions to yourself but maybe in future only post some less 'attacking' opinions because we are here to talk fantasy, not put blokes down for the decisions they make.


Do not have to keep your options to yourself but on this subject yeah maybe you should have


yeah mate, its all good, it was just harsh original wording.


Well done on acknowledging this tho mate, and don't be scared to voice your opinions. Just be careful attacking people.

Justin Bieber

flower off, nah lol jokes :P


Opinions are what make FF tick, just keep them to the right section and don't anticipate everyone will agree with you.


Quote from: Mr.Craig on December 11, 2012, 10:16:17 PM
Opinions are what make FF tick, just keep them to the right section and don't anticipate everyone will agree with you.
::) this :)


Don't worry about it mate, people sometimes word their opinions wrong and get pasted for it on here... One that springs to mind last year was when someone called Milne a rapist and got flogged lol.

We all value each other's opinions, its all about how we voice those opinions though. Good on you for apologising for your mistake, im sure everyone appreciates it.