Two U.S.A. States Vote To Pass Recreational Wacky Tobaccy

Started by Nails, November 08, 2012, 09:36:36 AM

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QuoteWashington and Colorado voters have made history by becoming the first US states to legalise recreational marijuana use.

As long as federal doesn't fight back... this could spread like wildfire and everyone in America be ALLOWED to smoke wacky tobaccy in private :O

And then Australia being Australia (sometimes copying U.S.A. shizen) will result in us being allowed to do it :o



Bill Manspeaker

Quote from: Nails on November 08, 2012, 09:36:36 AM

QuoteWashington and Colorado voters have made history by becoming the first US states to legalise recreational marijuana use.

As long as federal doesn't fight back... this could spread like wildfire and everyone in America be ALLOWED to smoke wacky tobaccy in private :O

And then Australia being Australia (sometimes copying U.S.A. shizen) will result in us being allowed to do it :o


it was inevitable, same goes for Australia (one day). alcohol and cigarettes have killed alot more people than what weed has (and i'm not sure that weed has ever killed anybody?)

Quote from: Nails on November 08, 2012, 09:45:38 AM

^ This one is a classic too. hahaha.

that is gold. that judge might have been high already?  ;D


weed could theoretically kill you, but you'd have to smoke a lot of it lol.

the biggest issue with pot is the psychological side effects- if you're genetically pre-disposed to mental illnesses like schizophrenia, depression, etc. it substantially increases the likelihood that you'll develop these disorders. Unfortunately, even if you go through extremely stringent and thorough genetic testing, atm our knowledge and tech. is limited enough that  you still can't know for sure if you have a predisposition.

Basically, don't do pot if you have a family history of mental illness :P