broughton replacement from these options? will cheer

Started by masedog333, July 31, 2012, 10:58:15 PM

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who to trade broughton for

M. Johnson (48K left)
3 (8.6%)
Hurn (13K left)
9 (25.7%)
Rance (48K)
0 (0%)
Adcock (20K)
3 (8.6%)
R. Murphy (58K)
3 (8.6%)
Grimes (38K)
4 (11.4%)
Yarran (79K)
1 (2.9%)
Fisher (87K)
12 (34.3%)

Total Members Voted: 3


I have 2 trades left so it is important that i have a decent amount of cash left for my last trade in a few weeks time.

I have Spurr and Darley as bench cover but im not keen on playing one of them each week so i think i should trade broughton (let me know if you disagree).

ATM i am thinking Fisher, he is really cheap at 359K and ill pocket 87K overall (10K from this trade), he got 97 on the weekend and they play melbourne and GWS in the run home.

Thanks in advance :) will cheer for advice :)


I would usually lean towards Hurn or Grimes here, but you are right, you want to have some cash in hand to use with that last trade. For that reason Fisher is a good choice.

Having said that I would recommend holding the trade if either your bench players gets a run. That trade will be worth a lot more later on if you get injuries you can't cover.


if you are not planning on an upgrade for your last trade (i.e. its just there for sideways trade)  then probably go with the highest averager.. johnson could be a good pick up considering freos run home.
    fisher use to be a good premium(not sure whats happened to him) think hes a good pick and the extra cash will be useful..
  nah go fisher, roll the dice take the gamble


Hurn the best scoring option but as spinks said fisher with money in hand would be the trade i'd look at. He is a sc specialist and will score between 80-110 consistently for the rest of the year. I'm with u and wouldnt want to rely upon spurr or darley for the rest of the season. Get Fish and rest easy knowing u have cash to spend with that final trade :)


Harbrow for a consistent POD? Apart from his injured game his lowest score is 84 and all others have been 90+. 96 average if you take out the game he got injured in the second quarter. Games against Melbourne and GWS to come and Carlton at Metricon where he scores well. Brought him in for Dempsey and very happy with the trade.

If you need to have cash left over for a final upgrade then I'd go with Fisher as all the other options aren't that consistent anyway.


Hurn is the best of that list, but if the cash is really important to you then I would grab Johnson


Go Fisher. The cash will be useful for final trade and we are just guessing what they all will score from now on.


voted hurn, but MJ with dawson back is a good alternative


thanks for the responses fellas, gave you all a cheer! atm ive got fisher, pretty keen on that one


I'd go Fisher. simply as u said u want some cash. He was a premo not long ago, and coming of a reasonable score, u never know in the run home, he may come good or..................who knows. This stage of the year, go with you're gut mate


Fisher if u need the cash. Saints are playing well and he is a proven SC scorer. Having Gwilt back and Simpkin as well is freeing him up a bit more.
I HOPE Johson will score better with Dawson back (ever since I got him he's been mostly crap) but I'm not holding my breath.


Yer I reckon Fisher of Hurn are the best options. I would go Hurn if you want more points or Fisher for value and extra $$$


Just a bit more left field....

This is what i'm doing in DT, so assuming the same will work in SC.

I have currently Smedts forward, so i'm thinking of going Broughton to Fyfe (using Smedts DPP)