How DT / SC could improve with handling byes?

Started by Spinking, June 17, 2012, 10:59:21 AM

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This may have been suggested in another thread but I haven't been able to find it.

Obviously the byes have been a pain this year for fantasy coaches and all indications have been that they will part of the landscape going forward. My suggestion for how this could be alleviated would be to increase the number of MPP players so that most players have this capability.

I assume this hasn't happened in the past because they don't want to end up with teams full of midfielders that bear no resemblance to a real footy team. However I'd argue that this already happens to an extent as outside of Franklin there aren't many key position premos, and quality players like Scarlett and Glass rarely rate a mention in fantasy footy.

In a way it would actually make things more realistic, as these days players are required to be flexible and rarely play 1 position for the whole game.

There are probably issues I havent thought of. Just wondering on whether anyone else had an opinion on this or can see it working or not working.


I would suggest that with 1/3 of the teams having a bye I should only have to field 2/3 of a team during bye weeks meaning these weeks I only have a score based on 15 players

m1tch robo

That's a good idea. But it takes the fun out of the bye weeks.

The bye weeks are great for keeping leagues interesting and overall rankings fluctuating. How you manage your byes from a trade perspective (how many you hold or use) will really impact you at the end of the season whether you are going for league or overall.

I think that DT/SC would be too easy if you only had to play 15/30 players in byes then every man and their dog would be able to field a full side


Quote from: nathan11 on June 17, 2012, 11:14:02 AM
I would suggest that with 1/3 of the teams having a bye I should only have to field 2/3 of a team during bye weeks meaning these weeks I only have a score based on 15 players
I don't get it, i see a problem in there.
Wouldn't that just be the same??
Its not like you'll score more, or keep up your average. Its just like having donuts for 1/3 of your team. The only thing it does, limit people(with appropriate cover) scoring higher and pretty much giving everyone more of the same score. Don't see how that fixes much?? ???


Can't say I've fully thought it through but not worried about harming my ave or not scoring higher. The big problem is that no strategy needed to cover thinking about this maybe a partial lockout type thing for bye players can't trade them out but really until we see the draw no idea how much the byes will affect fantasy football but I'll play and put up with whatever they serve us up