For those who want to move up the rankings

Started by Rowan1812, May 23, 2012, 10:18:33 PM

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Just noticed in 7th place on the rankings is Tom with Byepolar bears and in 50th place is Tom with The Bipolar Bears. Clearly its the same person with another team and who knows how many he has as he has 2 in top 50. What can you do to get these people deleted for having more than one team? Then we could all move up the rankings.


If you want to report them, go to HELP & FAQ tab then scroll to bottom & look for 'CONTACT US' Worth a try, I guess.


This is an outrage!... you mean I could be ranked higher than 62000 if it wasn't for people like Tom?


You just go into Ranking and type the name in the search bar, there spelled slightly different thou and only come up once

How about weekly rankings
Rank 54
JVC_Blues (coached by John)
JVC_Falcons (Coached by John) exact same round score / Team / Value must just be choosing different captains most weeks

Sucks for the person who came second for the week  :P


jaffa if your ranked 62000th, i wouldnt be worried about other people, maybe try again next year dude  ;)


Where can you browse the rankings to look for these guys

Sack Craig


lots of comments about it at cheak the round 8 review comments, it seems to be %100 coincidence, and HS has investigated


I contacted HS and got a response as follows

Thank you for your email.

SuperCoach has a strict validation process when determining the weekly winner at the end of each round. Any winning team that is found to have more than one entry in the competition is automatically excluded from winning the weekly prize. The teams you are referring to are both registered to different individuals from different states and it appears that their similar entries are purely coincidental.
I still think, same name , almost same team name, almost same score - I smell a rat


The problem is proving they have multiple accounts. Even if same name, same state, same ip, same team then the person can just say it is another person living at same residence. Supercoach can't say its a multiple account.


you would think they would be smart enough to put a different name.. that's what a guy I know does..


I posted a thread about this earlier in the year. Its absolute BS that people do this and ruin it for everyone else!

I live in a house with 7 other people, so I could make 7 other accounts and if HS wanted to question me I would have an excuse.

Theres not much they can do to stop it i guess


end of the day, these people are simply not being honest with themselves.

it is utter crap making 2 teams. it would completey ruin the game in my eyes? i gotta mate who makes multiples and he always sooks when his better team aint in our league. and carries on with ''if i had this team i'd be smashing it'' ect ect. i busted his ass making mulitples in our league one year!! i aborted that one what crap!!!

Quote from: ZEDDOG on May 24, 2012, 02:50:29 PM
I contacted HS and got a response as follows


Thank you for your email.

SuperCoach has a strict validation process when determining the weekly winner at the end of each round. Any winning team that is found to have more than one entry in the competition is automatically excluded from winning the weekly prize. The teams you are referring to are both registered to different individuals from different states and it appears that their similar entries are purely coincidental.

I still think, same name , almost same team name, almost same score - I smell a rat

mate thats just the generic response right there, hopefully they stich him. but if ppl are actually winning money!!??? come on HS you make us pay for your website and the competition is corrupt!! hopefully someone legit actually is the clear winner and not a cheat.

f off cheats.


Fact is you still gotta be good enough to get your team up there.  It sucks when ppl wrought the system but ultimately its pretty hard to prove.  Quite a few people have their 'girlfriends' in with a team.  Some could be legit but not all of them.