Horsely Adams flavour of the week or is one a must have?

Started by Madmax75, May 08, 2012, 09:56:30 AM

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I have 18 trades and have Bugg Morris Ellis Smedts McDonald Shiel Magner Couch Giles Stephenson Treloar Pfeiffer Kennedy T Dickson as rookies so I'm pretty happy. Of course I'd like to have Horsely in for Dickson but is it worth a trade? I'm saying know at the moment. Thoughts ?


ive just gone with one and thats adams im a little concerned when GAJ and Rischetelli gets back about how much of the pill horsley will see.


It wont be affected too much, plus he's had a 8 tackle game and a 10 tackle game last week so he is getting quite a few points from there alone. Has to be picked, -145 BE as well


How many trades do you have left? I was thinking of waiting a week and then bringing Ablett back in. Concerned I've used too many trades already.


Easy decision for some - Goodes and Kennedy out.

One web site has the $$$$ differential @ $190K in favour of the 2 rookies

AND up to $350K after 3 weeks (which of course depends upon a lot of variables.)

They should both score better than Kennedy and Goode$$$ on the bench is something a lot of us can't afford atm.

Maybe just get one.


The only thing for me is my non playing rookies I would like to trade Dickson is the main one doesnt make me the extra money I need to get Ablett in. Otherwise I'd have to trade Magner and then Kennedy to get Ablett in. So Horsely in for Magner then Ablett in for Kennedy over the next three weeks leaving me with 16 trades at round 9. Enough trades and good moves?


When Ablett went out, he was always going to cost an extra trade to get back in. You need to prioritise around getting him back when he returns.

Either of those guys in your post will make plenty, especially if Ablett doesn't play this week. ie you'll get 2 weeks' price rise from them.


Yes good point re Ablett swapped him for Pendles as I had money to get Ablett back in. Just wondering if 16 trades at rd 9 is a good position?


With regards number of trades left, I count up how many premiums (keepers) I need to get to 22 for finals - ie no rookies playing.

Allow 1.5 trades per upgrade and see where you're at.

I am 8 and 19 - so 8 x 1.5 = 12 which leaves me 7 trades for LTI / general soreness / suspension and floppy premiums and the bye.

I think you'll be OK as long as you haven't done too many knee jerk sideways trades up unitl now.

Good luck.


Good formula. I am about the same depends if you count grimes and lake as d6 and d7. With one of them I'm in the same position as you with 18 trades so maybe Magner out for Horsely this week would like to do Dickson instead but won't give me extra cash needed for Gaj but maybe Shiel Kennedy have gone up 30k bw them in two weeks


I've almost got the same Rookies as you do, but I took Kennedy out for horse as his BE is a little higher and won't go up in price, if at all. Where as Magner should still go up for you for at least 1 more week


That's a good call on Kennedy think I'll do that trade this week. Then Gaj in for Magner


Quote from: Madmax75 on May 08, 2012, 05:04:11 PM
That's a good call on Kennedy think I'll do that trade this week. Then Gaj in for Magner
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