Who first????

Started by turry17, May 01, 2012, 10:34:44 PM

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Hi everyone, im downgrading D.smith this week and plan on making an upgrade, just not to sure where
here are my options:

Backs: upgrade Morris to Suckling/Birchall/Heppell

Midfield: Upgrade Mcarthey to S.Mitchell/S.Thompson

Fowards: Upgrade Milera to Chapman, Stevie J, Zaha

What is the best option to do first???


either the forwards or defence i reckon, mccarthy has shown glimmers of potential so I would look at upgrading either milera or morris first probably...

unless you wait a few so that your rooks can peak... stevie J will keep coming down for a few weeks i'd reckon...


If you want Scotty thompons get him in right now before he rises  :)


conversely if you want mitchell wait...high BE...will go down a fair bit in price


Yeah i just saw mitchells b/e, quite high
so my thinking is wait one more week then get mitchell


If you want Mitchell wait two weeks for his 62 to get out of 3 round average plus more if he has another stinker.
Upgrade your forward(milera) Chappy and Zaha are both juicy at their prices and Stevie hasn't shown much this season yet.

If you want to upgrade mids, i would say find a little more cash and upgrade to a super premo(Murphy, Pendles, Swan, even Rockliff)

Birchall i think still has a high B/E(not that high though) and i prefer not getting suckling, heppell is consistent but  hasn't done enough for me to trade in(great starting pick though)