Tom Lynch: Carry or trade?

Started by thollo, April 20, 2012, 06:17:35 PM

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Given he has been "squeezed out" of the side (as Sando put it), should I look to carry him given his scoring potential and uniqueness or trade him out?
B.E is at 15, so is definitely going to make money when he plays.

I have 268K in the bank,


I've got him & I'm keeping him. He's a good price & when he finally gets full games, he will be over 300k. Upgrade him then once the premiums drop in price. Don't burn a trade on him too early.


If you have decent cover, I'd hold....But who could you get, with all that $$$?  ???


as Windy has said if you have the cover hold him and see, but it all depends on who you are looking to trade in, with all that money you must be going for league wins so no harm in holding him. If you dont have buddy or sidebottom I would think about trading them in. If you dont have fyfe holding on to lynch for a few weeks than brining him in could be a good move.

The best option i can think of is hold him for this week, if he doesnt play next week than downgrade him to trealor if he peforms than bring in a premium in the mid for a rookie.


Quote from: Windigo on April 20, 2012, 07:04:05 PM
If you have decent cover, I'd hold....But who could you get, with all that $$$?  ???

Preeetty much anyone!
I would use dpp link to get Goddard but don't have the room and would lose my link D:


More problems - With Fyfe out I have no emergencies left and a rather expensive 700k bench. Possibilities??
I'm going to take a look at some Freo mids to replace him, maybe Mundy or barlow