Ruck Dilemma!

Started by melon11, March 23, 2012, 04:01:54 PM

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Hi All,

Thoughts positive and negative welcomed and wanted.

Currently have Cox, Kruezer, Giles, Reddan.

Option 1. Mumford, Kruezer, Giles, Reddan

Option 2. Mumford, Giles, Reddan, Stephenson

I think Kruezer is back and would like to have him in, but don't have the confidence to just have him alone.



My thoughts are think less

Then again easy for me to say when I'm starting

Cox, mummy, gillies, redden...

I can't say I'm overly fond of either of your options I think if you wanna play 3/1 you gotta have cox for obviously reasons as his dominance in the competition over the last 4 years and less obvious reason such as of he gets injured it's an easy downgrade to mummy!
For the same reason I think mummy with 3 rooks is risky cos what's your next move should he go down? Can you find 60k to upgrade to cox? Do you hope cox has dropped 60k? Or do you play sandi with 3 rooks!?

It's a cruel game I've spent days grinding out my team can't wait till it's locked away haha


i honestly think cox will play forward early season and the big nic natanui could score well as he will take the majority of ruck work. Don't forget kennedy and lynch are indefinite.

I have gone Natanui, Giles, redden and stephenson.

it is a risk but i am willing to take it. i think natanui is ready to step it up.