**Final team!** Maybe? Bring on the critics!

Started by BJ Barakis, March 24, 2012, 03:05:31 PM

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BJ Barakis

Backs: Goddard, Scotland, Deledio, Shaw, Lake, Ellis, Bugg   Subs: Bouman, S.Morris

Midfield: Ablett, Pendle, Priddis, Caddy, Coniglio, D.Shiel        Subs: Kerridge, Magner

Rucks: Cox, Giles                Subs:Stephenson, J.Redden

Forwards: Franklin, Goodes, Fyfe, Martin, Porplyzia, D.Smith, A.Kennedy        Subs: T.Dickson, Couch

Cash Left: $247,800

Seems like a lot of cash to have left over but I don't know who to upgrade?
Plus I want to have approx $100k in the bank going into the season. The obvious upgrade is Lake to Broughton/Birchall but that leaves me with not much cash and the fact is Lake is capable of scoring more than both those guys if he gets back to his All Aus form??? A big if
Only 3 Prems in mid, but I cant bring myself to drop any of those rookies? They are all certain cash cows!

BJ Barakis

As I suspected...Perfection! 
Good luck everyone!

BJ Barakis

Any suggestions on how I could use more cash??
I like the idea of having a nice amount as back up but is it really needed?