Grubs need not apply (full)

Started by bowyanger, February 02, 2012, 11:28:49 PM

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Sounds like I fit the description in post #1. I'm always complaining to other coaches they don't talk and asking them why they sign up to the coaches box to start with. I'm tired of seeing my name at the top of the last 12 or 15 posts especially when I come up with a pearler of a comment and there's not so much as a lol in response. I finished 7,722 last year, team name THE HAWKER. Do I qualify for a code?


Bowy, if you get stuck you can send me the code as well. Also a Coaster but up Northern end of the Boundary of the Coast.


If there's still room I would like to join :)
That's if you'll have me of course...


Quote from: CrowsFan on February 27, 2012, 02:19:26 PM
If there's still room I would like to join :)
That's if you'll have me of course...

There goes the neighbourhood!!!!


Quote from: naste on February 27, 2012, 02:37:04 PM
Quote from: CrowsFan on February 27, 2012, 02:19:26 PM
If there's still room I would like to join :)
That's if you'll have me of course...

There goes the neighbourhood!!!!
I thought I had to come in and class up the joint after had expressed an interest in joining! :P


Having trouble posting on the SC site at the moment, but what about this for the league name "What a Saad Bunch". Only 17 characters so fits under the limit :)


yeah Im having trouble posting also.

Ive given up trying for now...

I had this full rant to hawkerman cranked out about being the new whipping boy this season & that his enthusiasm was sublime blah blah

about a week out from rd 1 Ill paste a link to vote on each name suggestion

democracy is alive and well in SC


Sounds like me  8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)    invite please :)


Last year's league name was 'Save your trades' and we didn't!

Team called 'ET Phone Home'.

May have more than 5 brain cells so if you're desperate for numbers - call me.

Cash league option OK by me if we can get your parole officer's phone number.