Goodes / Stevens Vs Petrie / Caddy

Started by sj9177, February 24, 2012, 05:05:48 PM

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Which combo

Goodes / Stevens
9 (81.8%)
Petrie / Caddy
2 (18.2%)

Total Members Voted: 1


Hey All

Trying to do my F3 / M4 combo

Prem Mids are GAJ, Swan and Boyd

Prem Forwards are Buddy, Chappy and Boomer

Should i go Goodes (F2) with Coby Stevens (M4)

Or Petrie (F4) with Josh Caddy (M4)


are you seriously asking this question????

Hadns down Goodes/Stevens



dont think its worth trying to get midfied bargains cause the rookies are so good.



i went goodes / stevens, not because i dont rate caddy just becasue goodes is SO MUCH better than petrie.

I wouldnt risk stevens tho, gun yes but that west coast midfield is way too crowded to think a rook will see regular unvested action.


I like Petrie but I can't see him pushing past 100, where Goodes is proven to push 110+.


imo thats not really even debatable.

goodes/stevens for sure


Thanks Guys

On reflection (And Seeing Goodes tonight) it was a retarded question, apologies