Can Lenny get back to near his best ?

Started by nostradamus, November 11, 2011, 07:35:57 PM

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DT Gun

hamstring tears are common injuries after a conventional ACL recon though, so it is a valid statement


really? That's pretty interesting. Do you happen to know why?

(ftr, literally no sarcasm, I'm a bit interested :P )

DT Gun

When you have an ACL Recon your Hamstring is grafted, folded and put in your knee to die and then regrow into a new ligament in your knee.

Therefore you will have a very weak hamsting for a while.


cheers, I think I'd heard that before, but for some reason did not take note of it.

This is probably asking too much, but do you know what the % increase of injury is?

if you don't know off the top of your head, that's cool I'll google it tomoz and post it then :P

DT Gun

nope not sure. it would be lower for an afl footballer than an average joe though, just because they have better rehab facilities, more time etc.


mmm, maybe. Afl players also have a far more active lifestyle, and more strain on the hamstring though


Knee reco 32 soon what's your thoughts on him? I think he is great value if fit and well

DT Gun

Master Q

Can Lenny get back to near his best?


Good Value?


Football Factory

Some news on lenny.. 29/1/2012

Hayes, a three time All-Australian, admitted it would be optimistic to expect him to immediately return to his pre-injury form but said that he had never felt as fresh entering preseason training.