Fan planner

Started by ShaynoB, January 03, 2012, 08:23:27 PM

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Once u have done ur team what is exactely does the "projected total" mean?

tried to figure it out but cant. Also whats a resonable score?

yes i know its early etc etc but just want to gauge how my first quick entry is compared to others.

cheers peeps!!!


I just ignore the projected total, doesnt mean anything, dont base your team around getting a good projected total on the fanplanner


its the projected score your team is going to get into round 1
so ignore it for now because it is early and the projection calculations are incorrect


Good to know! Thanks guys. It better be wrong or else I'm in all sorts of trouble. Haha


So is there any plans for Monty to make the prediction accurate or does it become so as the season gets started ?


when rd 1 approaches a more accurate projection will be calculated for your team