J Mcdonald 98K is this right?

Started by fran, September 14, 2011, 10:22:47 PM

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Quote from: Ziplock on December 27, 2011, 05:35:00 PM
the difference between harris and mcdonald is that Harris has never been a prolific fantasy footballer, while mcdonald averaged 94 in 2010, playing for a pretty showerhouse melbourne team.

you have to remember though Harris was 7 years younger this year, than mcdonald will be


looking at harris' score trends, he was on a decline when he finished up at NMFC. Mcdonald however was tossed from melbourne after his 3rd most successful DT year, and 2nd most successful SC.


His price in both forms of Fan Footy will appeal to many including myself. Age is a concern for me but if his Nab form is good it will be difficult for me to say no. A genuine chance to line up in my side but as i said Nab form will be the make or break for me. Theres alot of good young rookies that could fill that spot so its a wait and see at the minute.


Tom Mitchell, Koby Stevens and James McDonald all fighting for one spot... The NAB should be interesting...