Mostly rookie Midfield.

Started by nichsa673, January 10, 2012, 12:10:05 PM

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One important consideration is that rookies are more likely to be 'vested' and having more playing rookies, especially from the one club (GWS), may increase your exposure.


should make it so we can pick more than one option imo :\


You guys have things all wrong.

6 premium midfield or nothing!

The Woodman

I'm a huge fan of more rookies in the mids than anywhere else. This year I'll be going 3 and 3, with one of the 3 prem mids being Barlow.


i don't think you need to do this personally. 4 premo mids locked away with 4 rookies - if you miss the curnow you trade him in. there is value in midpricers in probably the ruck, forward and backlines this year imo. you can squeeze a good looking lineup in with 2 gun rucks and 4 premo mids, with a few good unique midpriced picks elswhere.

2 premo mids is sacrificing too much points IMO, it would be harder to trade in 4 mid guns than 4 forward guns, forward prems are simply less consistent than mids.

and besides fyfe and maybe martin, the other midfield rotating forwards aren't anywhere as good as a 110+/super prem midfielder - you'd lose out for overall.  people think because impromtu did they can! you would really have to know your stuff to pull this off


Quote from: Impromptu on January 10, 2012, 10:51:51 PM
Quote from: Lions01 on January 10, 2012, 04:49:17 PM
Seen an interview with the person who won supercoach last year, he said that the year prior he trialed an 8 Rookie Mid. He said he finished 700ish overall but reverted back to a more tried and true method the year he won. Biggest fault with that would have been losing a solid captain option at the start of the year

Can see merit in it, but think you really need a few of the big boys from the start.

Yes, in 2010, I had ALL 8 rookie midfield and finished 724. Yes, the captain choice killed me, so Ablett would possibly have been good. 

Personally, I believe my team in 2010 is better than 2011 (long story!!), however 2011 I got a bit lucky.

2012 - I don't want to persuade you or dissuade you from this strategy, but I see there are merits, however I don't think this year is the year.  Naturally, high risk is high return. :) :) :)  Good luck to whoever takes this strategy  :) :) :)

FWIW I will have 2-4 premiums in the midfield (not 0-1)

Spot on, i think this is more my point, this aint the year for that strategy. 2010 was a ridiculously strong season for rookie mids, this year aint bad but not lessthan 2 or 3 prem mid worthy