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Our good friend the "BYE"

Started by PowerBug, October 31, 2011, 08:30:51 PM

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Obviously the fantasy rules haven't come out yet for season 2012, but who is considering basing their team around the byes and only try to have 10 players missding each week?? Or are we going to forget about it and just get the players who we think will average the highest and cop whatever comes our way in Rounds 11, 12, 13??


I hate the bye. Six teams will have the bye each round so alot of our players will miss those rounds so it will tough. As much of a disadvantage it will be to you it will be the same to the person next to you. I would go hard and fast at the bye. If your aiming for a league win go hard and fast at the bye. If for overall I would take the risk and get the players who have the byes in a row.
DT is about risks and I think 2012 will be a year where risks pay off.


I'm certainly concerned about the byes and have been planning around them in the early days to see what a potential team might look like, but I'm not set on an approach. I'll wait until after the draft and the rules for DT 2012 are finalised before making a call. If we have extended benches and more trades, the byes may be less of an issue (but still something to think about).