Assistant Coach Conundrum - Please make sense of this!!!!!

Started by skooper, August 25, 2011, 05:38:30 PM

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Quick Assistant Coach Conundrum â€" I have Gibbs swapped for Buckley, now Gibbs is on my mids bench with Swan, Pendles, Ablett, Thompson, Boyd and Bartel on field. Now if I choose to trade Bartel to Mitchell, my projected score moves up to 2214 from 2197. Now, heres where it gets weird, if I trade Gibbs to Mitchell, my projected goes up to 2310! Swan is Capt so thats not the issue.

By trading Gibbs instead of Bartel for Mitchell I stand to gain over 110 points, Bartels projected is 96 and Mitchells is 113. That should give me a difference of 17 points at best, not 96. Im not sure how a benched player trade could rise a projected score by nearly 100 points unless I had a player on field with a bye(projected 0), which I dont. Any ideas because its doing my head in ???


Who are you playing in your back in replacement of gibbs



Quote from: fran on August 25, 2011, 05:52:15 PM
Who are you playing in your back in replacement of gibbs

nobody really as Gibbs and Buckley were both benched. Bucks was never on field. Once Ive done the trade I can see the individual scores. Its almost as if Bartels 96 isnt taken off once he is benched because the difference between the Gibbs to Mitchell trade on the projection is 96. It should only be about 17 points more, not 96. It has got me stumped!


They have always had a problem when it come to the projections they give before the trade is complete so I wouldn't taketo much notice of it and just make the trade you think will most advantage you. Once the trade is made it will give you the real projection



My guess would be that it's assuming you have Gibbs on the field due to his price, so by trading him for Mitchell, the score from Gibbs (0) goes up by Mitchell's score (110). So if you were planning on keeping Gibbs and putting him on the bench then your score will go up by 17 if you trade him for Bartel.
Assistant coach I found to be very helpful in the week that I activated the weekly trial. At the end of the day it's still guesswork but it's an educated guess!


I didnt end up trading mitchell in anyway ;D Lucky! I went Heppell to Guerra so I could afford the Sylvia to Stevie J trade. The Guerra trade seemed so have paid off but the Stevie J...not so much. I should have got Cloke!

As far as the Assistant Coach projection goes, I ignored it and used common sense ::) There was a definite problem but Im not sure what it was. Other than that AC has been good all year and well worth the $20