Last 2 trade dilemmas

Started by Jmac, August 26, 2011, 01:12:13 PM

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Ive got Gibbs pav and syvlia out with 2 trades and 50k
Need another back as I have
god lids suck birch fish lower poops (Nicholson e,Watson Toy)
Swan pendles thommo ablett spitta didak ( krak e , Gibbs PAV)
Stevie j goodes rok frank roo chappy gu (prest callinan SYLVIA)
cox mcevoy (lobbe some other crab)
Might as well keep Gibbs for next week hopefully
Thinking pav to gram
But leaves me $200 short of lower to bock argh not liking lower or Poops as 7th
Then do I
Sylv to daisy shiels mids
Or to cloke squirrel leon in the forward
Any thoughts or better