Should I trade Shaw to Bob Murphy?

Started by Runnin Scared, August 08, 2011, 06:17:45 PM

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Runnin Scared

I have held Shaw till this week as I have not had to trade him. But with finals starting, now is the time to upgrade. Was thinking of trading for Bob Murphy as he is averaging 98 over the last 3 games.

Backs are;
Goddard, Gibbs, Delidio, Broughton, Fisher, Stanley, Lower, Puopolo, Shaw, Newman.

Can afford to hold Newman for a week or two to see how he turns up.

Is Murphy the best for balance? I only have one other dog in Boyd.


Dogs have completed byes so 2 dogs not an issue.  Murphy will be good especially if you have either Talia or McKernan in forward line for DPP.  If you have cash available also have a look at Bock's scores against decent opposition and has Brisbane this week.
I would be holding onto Gibbs and looking at coverage from Newman if he pulls up if not trade,


yeah bock is definetely a good option. what about suckling/birchall?

no stranger to danger

on fantasy freako he mentioned that newman was out for 3-4 weeks which essentially is the end of the season, bit stiff having both shaw and newman though..i guess that goes to show how crucial it is to hold onto trades nearing the end of the season.
I don't mind bob murphy, they look to dish it off to him everytime they rebound plus usually gets cheeky points when he plays on from kick outs.

Runnin Scared

Can't quite afford Bock, would like him though. Could do a double trade, but little value at this stage of the season, Used most of my cash getting premiums all over the field - till Shaw & Newman went down.  :-\ :-\
Thought about Birchall, Suckiling and even Gibson, but most of those have not averaging as much as they were. Anyway, have too many Hawks (5 (3 on bench)) to add another. Was also considering Grundy and Adcock..

I am actually holding Newman to cover Gibbs, hopefully he will be back and firing in round 23 when Carton have the bye, and have Stanley to cover as another pseudo premium.


Would go Adcock but that is just my opinion I have had him since day 1 and rode the roller coaster. Seems to be over finger injury now as well,