Heath Shaw

Started by mmurphy3, July 12, 2011, 08:14:24 PM

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who to trade shaw for?

sam fisher
brett dieldio


Not sure whether to start my own thread or not... Who do i get for SHAW? Can afford anyone. This is my backline

Goddard, Deledio, Gibbs, Fisher, Enright, Broughton, SHAW (Puopolo, Jacobs, howard) (also have hibberd in my midfield i can switch around)

I dont want Scotland - due to already having Murphy and Gibbs and only have 6 trades left.

6 trades left and $196,500 in the bank.


Toughie. Rawlings, Danny Stanley if you're a big risk taker, that's all really, Jed Adcock?


I'd go Birchall or Suckling (waiting a week on Suckers, obviously).