Tough times.

Started by Nyn, July 01, 2011, 05:24:04 PM

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Ok so ive found myself in a bit of a pickle.

Mistake 1
Picking atley, morton and hibberd over Curnow and libba.

Mistake 2
Picking Shane savage round 1, but then downgrading him round 7 after his 18k price drop thus coming out the week after banging a 136 and gaining another 138k.

Mistake 3
Having petrie as a 3rd ruckman all year... sitting on the pine racking up ton after ton with no forward link whilst having darling, higgins and richardson spud it up all year.

Mistake 3
Keeping sandi

Mistake 3
Aggressive trading

Mistake 4
Irons over pittard... and not fixing this mistake early on... rookie move.

5 trades; 280k in the bank

My thinking is i should do

Downgrade Hepple in backs for fotm bubble

Darling > Pav after there next bye. has a tough run home but is a champion player.. open to other suggestions.

Hibberd/mzungu/smith > Mitchel after round 17 as they will win 6 of there last 7 (carl) and gcs in gf

This will leave me 2 LTI trades, and possibly a Higgins upgrade

Only going for league, im 1 game clear on top, playing 2nd this week and have 3 of the bottom 4 rankded teams in my last 3 weeks before finals.

Do you think i should save all trades for finals seeings i have an easy run? thus giving me a chance of covering any possible lti's before finals.


Save trades as you have a relative easy run I would hold until after the second multibye round with the exception of downgrading to any rookie on the bubble eg Callinan next week.
IMO Backs are sound but you need an extra med prem and extra med forward to complete your team for finals.
Look at Priddis, Mitchell or Moloney as a POD for mids
and for Forwards obviously PAV or POD Lecras.