WTFISAFL rank 665 Please criticise my team / trades for this week!

Started by kampf, July 01, 2011, 02:20:48 PM

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Hi All,

Looking for people to hate on my trade ideas this week / team in general. Please be as critical as you like but at least give a reason behind it. I'm fairly stuck as to what I need to do with my team now as I'm about 2 trades less then I wanted to be.

Looking at trading Sandilands -> Lobbe
D.Harris -> Premium Mid (no idea who though! Maybe Pendles?)

Overall rank: 665
Trades left: 7
Bank: $215,400

B.Gibbs, B.Deledio, B.Goddard, H.Shaw, C.Enright, D.Heppell, N.Lower (P.Puopolo, T.Simpkin, J.Toy)

G.Ablett, M.Boyd, D.Swan, N.Fyfe, L.Hodge, D.Harris (A.Krakouer, T.Mzungu, B.Jacobs)

D.Petrie, Z.Smith (D.Cox, A.Sandilands)

L.Franklin, N.Riewoldt, M.Pavlich, A.Goodes, R.O'Keefe, B.Harvey, S.Higgins (T.Lynch, C.Richardson, J.Tippett)

After Cox's bye, Petrie will take a spot in the FWD line, most likely leaving S.Higgins on the bench who can float between MID/FWD with Mzungu / Krak swapping.

After this weeks trades next I'll have to upgrade either Lower / Heppell to most likely Fisher.

All comments will be greatly appreciated!


As you are planning on using Cox and Smith as your rucks after this week I would be looking at downgrading Sandi to the lowest priced ruck I can find for more cash as you will in all probability not be relying on him playing using the Petrie/Tippett DPP if required barring injury of course,
Agree with Swallow to Pendles but I would wait a week Pendles has a b/e of 144 this week and Swallow 76 so there could be some cash savings waiting a week.
I would be tempted to go Heppell to Fisher this week as Fisher has a b/e of 103 playing the roos.
To add to your DPP in Mids if cash was available would be tempted to go Krak to Sylvia.
With seven trades though be careful to not overuse prior to finals although for finals as you need coverage for Giibs, Enright (Heppell if not traded), Boomer and Petrie which is one of the reason I also suggested Sylvia.
If trading now ensure no North, Geelong, Carlton or Essendon players are drafted in.
Very Strong team by the way and you should be giving me advice with that rating although I was hurt with 7 LTI's.


Cheers for the comments :)

Well It's D.Harris I'll be trading out for Pendles (not swallow). Harris's BE is 71 so he might go up a tiny bit this week.

Thing is, whether Pendles will drop it price or not is not really important, the difference in averages going from Harris -> Pendles is +51.93. This is greater then the difference from Heppell -> Fisher which would only net me +29.9pts per week (if they score their averages).

My mid already has 2x DPP (Krakouer + Mzungu) who can swap with Higgins (who will be a bench player once Cox is back playing).

This will leave me with 5 trades, leaving me with 1 trade for a LTI and 4 trades for finals (gibbs/enright/petrie/harvey). Although most likely I'll win my first game so won't need to bother with the Enright trade.

Yeah I must say, I;'m feeling pretty happy about my team considering it's my 1st year :)


youre definately missing a super premium in that midfield and youll need another one if you wanna go deeper towards the top 100. you def need pendles or murphy imo, just dominant and wont let you down. pendles is better and also has no byes left so get on board!


Yeh I think Pendles is the best choice right now... no more byes left can't beat that really + his fit, not injury prone. Trade finger is very very itchy today... just need to hold out til at least 5pm for the teams! have made that mistake once b4 and will never do it again.