Which way should i go?

Started by Diesels Pups, June 28, 2011, 10:14:23 PM

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Diesels Pups

Backs- Gibbs, Delidio,Suckling, Enright, Fischer, Shaw, Goddard (Hibberd, Puopolo, Strauss)

Mids-   Pendles, Ablett, Swan, Pavlich, Boak(the weak link), Heppell (Libba, Jacobs, Mzungu)

Rucks- Cox, Z.Smith (Warnock, J.Tippett)

Fwds-  Fyfe, Sylvia, Goodes, Franklin, N.Riewoldt, Petrie, I.Smith (Darling, A.Krakouer, McKernan)

9 Trades Left........$50,000

Hey guys, some quick advice needed. Was going to do the Libba to Callinan trade and then upgrade Darling for a premium but looking at my side would upgrading Heppell to say a Boyd to give me 6 prem mids be the go. The forward options are limited.That would just about be it in terms of upgrades (maybe Zach Smith a bit later)and it will leave me with 7 trades left to finish out the year. Any thoughts or alternative ideas.


Warnock > McEvoy at some point

Pavlich into the fwds and get Boyd in mids for Krak

Maybe Boak to Selwood when you get chance.

Should be abel to do that by cahsing in Smith/Libba and Darling, set up for a decent team.

Arguably this should go in "rate my dream team"

Diesels Pups

yeah u right, wrong section, my bad. Thx for the ideas, so you reckon i should keep Heppell around, got Hibberd there as well  so was thinkin i should get rid of one at least.


Great Team I would Downgrade Libba to Callinan and Then UpGrade Heppell to Boyd and for this week Put B.Jacobs on the field because Port Adelaide are playing Brisbane and he played well last week so he shouldn't be the sub and swap Pav into the Fwdline with Smith and then Put Smith on the bench in your mids because they are playing the Pies


Heppell>>Hibberd so get rid of Hib before Hep. Just keep thinking long term and you'll be sweet

Diesels Pups

thanks Griffen and thanks for the tips. Didn't think of the Smith playing Collingwood factor. I'll def trade off Libba and i'll make the last minute call on Heppel/Hibberd, and keep Darling till later. Cheers.