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Who was higgins opponent???

Started by Ago97, June 18, 2011, 12:19:15 PM

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Can any1 tell me who was on him last night?
he took a heap of uncontested marks and no one was running with him!!! i need an answer


I am pretty ure he was the loose man in defence.


Oh ok but if higgins was loose who was loose for the crows


I watched the game last night as a delayed replay in Sydney without knowing the score thinking that Adelaide may have had a chance. Stupid Crows as usual gave me hope all the way up until the final quarter! How do you manage to only score 4 goals in the final 3 quarters when you score 6 in the first???

But to answer the question about loose men, Higgins was definitely playing loose just floating around the defensive 50. Murphy also seemed to be loose on a wing. But there didn't seem to be any loose Crows players. Second half Symes was roving a bit up the wing without an opponent so I guess you could say he was the loose man for the crows...



Rodney Eade was very clever in his break down of who he neeed to target at the Crows. Higgins was allowed a free run because Eade, rightly so, did not rate the delivery and effectiveness of Brad Symes.
Symes, besides having many touches, reminded me of Simon Tregenza in the 90's, balloooning out hospital pass after hospital pass and could not make a tackle stick. Symes and Vince had more chance of nailing jelly to a wall than making a tackle stick and looked completely like they were out of their depth and swimming in their own self belief  ::)


You still mad at Trigger although he did let his opponet in a certain GF let him kick the solitary goal in that game. Hmm maybe I should be mad as well as then they would have been goalless.