FWD and DEF players

Started by djff, June 19, 2011, 02:41:30 PM

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Hi, looking to get a (reasonably good) player who can play in both DEF and FWD positions. I have mckernan and would like to get him into the forwards but have no one there to swap him with. Can be a rookie or not.
Any good options out there, do you think?


When he's playing, Jarrad Waite is probably the best option, and Sam Gilbert looked like a good one to me at the beginning of the year but that hasn't turned out well. If you just need to swap for MPP then Daniel Talia (adel) is base price but hasn't played a game yet. Could do in the 2nd half of the season but who knows? Retzlaff from Brisbane was doing ok but got dropped this week.

My advice would be to just downgrade McKernana and forget fwd/def MPP coz there aren't any solid options unless you take a huge risk with Gilbert.



Thanks for the reply. I almost have to get someone who will play there as i only have harper, Richardson and matera as cover. Now with Franklin out...