Last trade for finals

Started by AzzDaazz, August 20, 2011, 12:18:36 AM

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Playing SC mainly for league. Got the break for Round 22 and i have one more trade left. Not sure wether to use it in the forward or back, or maybe ruck. Tips anyone??

Backs -
Gibbs, Goddard, Deledio, Fisher, Broughton, Heppell, Suckling, N.Lower, McKernan, Retzlaff

Mids -
Pendlebury, Judd, Swan, G.Ablett, Cotchin, Bartel, Mzungu, Jacobs, Callinan

Rucks -
Cox, Petrie, Smith, McCulloch

Fwd -
Pav, Fyfe, Franklin, Rioli, Higgins, Smith, J.Tippett, Sylvia, Hurley, Howe


Like me you are probably one trade short so have to look at the best way to use.  I would probably look at backs as you have to cover Gibbs and Heppell out in GF so trade Heppell or Lower


Forward looking a bit worse for wear now, hopefully you kept the trade!


How much cash do you have.

IMO, fix the backs and bring in Bock or Birchall.

Mzungu/I.Smith will likely outscore Broughton/McKernan/Lower.

You could gain like 60-70 points by upgrading the back.  Probably not as much with the forwards.

Mzungu will cover Judd
Hurley will cover Sylvia


Agree, fix the backs. If you have cash available Mckernan to Bock/Birchill and Gibbs and Broughton to the bench.

If you don't have as much cash go Broughton > Bock/Birchill, or even Gibson/Adcock for someone cheaper.


Got 240k, but looks like i won't make the GF, even after topping the ladder in both leagues. If i do, i might actually go for birchall.


Wait till teams are announced, but this is what your team should look like.

Backs -
Gibbs, Goddard, Deledio, Fisher, Broughton, MCKERNAN, Suckling <N.Lower, HEPPEL, Retzlaff>

Mids -
Pendlebury, Judd, Swan, G.Ablett, Cotchin, Bartel <SYLVIA, Jacobs, Callinan>

Rucks -
Cox, SMITH, <TIPPET, McCulloch>

Fwd -
MZUNGU, HOWE, Franklin, Rioli, Higgins, Smith, PETRIE, <PAVLICH, HURLEY, FYFE>