Who is better Captain

Started by Crows 09 PREMIERS, June 12, 2009, 12:16:58 PM

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If Other post WHO

Nick Reivolt
Garry ABlet
Chris Judd
Montaga Or other SAINTS


Dear Bradley.........

I'm not doubting that for one second.

I am saying that at the halfway mark of THIS year - so far - Montagna is ahead.

WTF knows what will happen  in the second half, but yes you would expect GAJ to be #1.

But right now - thats a 'what if' and based on nothing but a calculated guess. Hard facts as of right now, GAJ is 2nd.

And if this season has taught you anything with injuries, form etc you can never tell what the hell is going to happen.

If the post was about - "who is arguably the best SC/DT player" - then yes, based on the assumption that GAJ will average 150 - it'd be a dumb post cos the only answer is GAJ.

Perhaps next time you should 'discuss' thru the forums - as opposed to abusing someone probably twice you age.


Dear Simon
you know what, you tell people to do it self, well guess what i'm gonna do... LET YOU WORK IT OUT YOURSELF. ::)


whoops i forgot, you cant because you are a muppet who is DAMM BLIND!


BradStar those last 2 comments are way of the mark. If some one has done his home work and supplied you with answers like he has then take the time to read it thro & then comment.

Sure GAJ can & most probably will overtake Montagna but as for now what SimonOz has done he is correct in his figures.


i see you also havent read what i said, someone who does that much research could actually do research on the thread.


Still no reason to twist off @ someone who has their say.


bradstar u  are a f**king White Goodman  u think u know everything
big tough guy behind a computer screen trying  to make people feel small and dumb



 ;D @ Jeffy and SimonOz

@ Bradstar - Montagna would have been the better captain so far, if you could only choose 1.

Yes, GAJ has/is averaging more, but because of the 2 games he missed, Montagna would have been the better choice.

Although, not many people have Montagna....


"not many people have Montagna" - makes it even better!


Bradstar, u keep telling people to read your posts properly, but the problem is your posts make no sense, while GAJ has the best avg, Montagna has played every game, so as a perma-captain Montagna to date has done better cos he has played every game. So SimonOz makes much better points then u!