Started by bombers11, June 06, 2011, 04:32:37 PM

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what's everyone doing with swan? holding him or trading him? a swap with pendles or ablett is temping i must say


Swap to Pendles is stupid, Swan is missing 2 games, and Pendles is missing 1. Others are saying "oh it's only 1 coz there's a bye aswell." Okay 1 non-bye and 1 bye, that's two games. If you get rid of Swan, you get rid of him for good.

I'm holding, he'll come back and deeeestroy!


Im keeping him. A no brainer for me


I'm holding him because I'm going for league.  Could definitely see people going for overall trading to Ablett or something though


127 break even, you might even see some going for the 50k trade him and then get him in a week after hes back. Even if he gets 140 he will still be around 460k which is very cheap for him.