My final team (hopefully)

Started by boora23, May 19, 2011, 07:46:04 PM

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After going otten to hibberd this week, i have 350 k in the bank, 14 trades and a few ideas

Next week, planning to go either heppel or harris to ablett (leaning towards heppel, because im going for league and he has bye last round, and im going to trade harris out later anyway, and he has cash to make still) as well as Tapscott to thomas lynch or lower to jacobs (leaving me with 330kish- assuming i trade heppel)

Then the following round, going richardson to mzungu, and yarran to chapman, leaving me with 10 trades and 240k)

Then, upgrading either petrie or zac smith to sandi, and finally after collinwoods bye, going harris to pendles (if i dont have enough cash will downgrade vickery to a 80k rook as i will have petrie/smith on my bench anyway) this leaving me with 7 or 8 trades depending if i can do harris to pendles without a downgrade

I will then look at doing one final upgrade in my backs probably lower or stanley to enright

I know this isn't very many trades(6 or 7), but my team will be set and ill only trade for LTI's

My team will then look as follows

Backs: Deledio, Suckling, Gibbs, Goddard, Adcock, lower/enright, Stanley: hibberd, smith, puopolo

Mids: Swan, Boyd, Bartel, Mitchell, ablett, pendles : I Smith, mzungu, prestia

Rucks: Cox, sandi: petrie/smith + rookie/vickery

Forwards: chapman, Fyfe, Goodes, Johnson, Reidwoldt, Rioli, higgins: Darling, matera, lynch

What do you guys think? i feel i dont mind burning the trades because if there is a small injury, i have plenty of cover with the ability to cover a premium mids bye by DPPing chappy into mids and playing darling in the forwards