My friends team

Started by Ziplock, May 18, 2011, 03:17:22 PM

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So, my friend made a DT the start of this year, but basically got bored pre-season and so asked me to take care of it. I agreed, although I only got told after rd 1, so I took a look at the team, and I felt physically ill.

For the record, I am sorry to impose this onto you all.

Def: Suckling, Tape, N. Krakouer, KHunt, Harvey, Lisle, DANNY Stanley (Lower, J Stanley, Hibberd)
Mid: Goddard, Ward, Shuey, Gaff, MacKay, Prestia (Bewick, Houlihan, Simpkin)
Rucs: Brogan, Leuenberger (Derictx, Mccauley)
Fwd: Zaharakis, SYlvia, Stevie J, Duncan, Harvey, Dennis-Lane, Motlop (sumner, I smith, Lynch)

Rd 1 score: 948 round ranking: 222686

So, this kind of became my 'DT project', and I've been using it to curb my trade fever, as I set about making it the best team I possibly could, as quickly as I could

And yes, I know some of my trades may appear poor in retrospect, but I had something ridiculous like 4 mil left over from the salary cap, and it was burning a hole in my pocket. So, here is the trade history for
'Awesome Team'

rd 2.
Simpkin---> Swan

Motlop--> tapscott
Hunt---> enright

(Fake)Stanley--> Grimes
Lisle---> Gram

Rd 5
Dennis-Lane ---> Fyfe
Mackay---> Thompson

rd 6
N. Krakouer---> Deldio

Rd 7
Ward---> Selwood
Gaff ---> Wallis

Harvey---> Puopolo
Lower ---> Jacobs

Now, I know I've broken plenty of rules, trading before lockout, sidewards trading etc, but honestly, this isn't my team, it never had a shot and started like 1400 points behind the leader.

Funnily enough, the league I'm in is so pathetic, I'm in the top 8 for matchups, and 11th overall.

In anycase, this is what I have managed the get the team to, and I think it's a flowering accomplishment.

backs: Deledio, Enright, Suckling, Goddard, Gram, Stanley, Puopolo (grimes, Hibberd, Jacobs)
Mids: Swan, Thompson, Gibbs, Fyfe, Jselwood, Shuey (Bewick, Wallis, Houlihan)
Rucks: Brogan, Leun. (Derictx, Mccauley)
Fwds: Sylvia, Zaha, Stevie J, Harvey, Duncan, Tapscott, Smith ( Prestia, Sumner, T Lynch)

Rd 8 score: 2040

rd 8 ranking: 10601

Overall ranking: 168723

Anyway, just thought I would share my progress, with 11 trades remaining.

Bill Manspeaker

mate that's a ripper job, i should give you the password to my dream team :P