Please be harsh!

Started by dale93, May 04, 2011, 11:26:22 AM

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Just wondering what you think of this team and my trades in my future?Please let me know and give me any negative or positive thoughts about my team or trades please?

I have 19 trades left and $1,100 left in the kitty

Goddard, Gibbs, Rawlings, Grimes, Broughton, Heppell, Lower
(Dauigen, Coad, Hibbard)

Swan, Boyd, Selwood, Dal Santo, Swallow, Harris
(Conca, Libba, Pittard)

Cox, Frasier
(Smith, Keefe)

Chapman, Franklin, Goodes, N.Riewalt, J.Riewalt, Knights, Darling
(Krakaour, Rookie, Richerson)

Round 8- 17 trades
Dauigen to Enright
Lower to $97
Money in bank:$

Round 9-15 trades
Libba to Montags
Swallow to Jacobs

Round 10-13 trades
Krak to Sylvia
Darling to Mzunga

Round 11-11 trades
Harris to Ablett or Pendas
Conca to $97

Round 12-9 trades
Frasier to Sandi
Smith to Moran

So in round 13 my team will be

Goddard, Gibbs, Rawlings, Enright, Grimes, Broughton, Heppell
(Rookie, Coad, Hibbard)

Swan, Boyd, Montanga, Selwood, Dal Santo, Ablett or Pendas
(Rookie, Rookie, Jacobs)

Sandi, Cox,
(Moran, Keefe)

Chapman, Franklin, Goodes, Slyvia, N.Riewalt, J.Riewalt, Knights
(Mzunga, Rookie, Richerson)

With 9 trades i will be upgrading Knights, Dal Santo, Heppell and Coad and yes i know i am stupid keeping onto him but i can fit a trade in for him :(


rekn u need to upgrade Fraser asap, ur losing 30 pts a week in that spot by not having Sandi


Quote from: Marcz on May 04, 2011, 12:01:28 PM
rekn u need to upgrade Fraser asap, ur losing 30 pts a week in that spot by not having Sandi

The It

Upgrading Dal Santo?? :o He is Averaging 103. He's a keeper


nds is avg 103 thats enough as 6 th spot