Advice on team

Started by Stocutz, May 04, 2011, 04:14:59 PM

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Def: Gibbs god grimes lids Murphy heppel duigan.   Otten stanley lower

Mids: swan selwood Higgins Curnow libba swallow.   Harris conca polec

Rucks: cox sandi.      Smith tippet

Fwds: pav Franklin fyfe Sylvia n.riewoldt knights darling.   Krak matera mckernan

18 trades 160k

My mids r a  little thin and may need to trade a rookie out before they have peaked to up my score.
Had tipper in to swap with Petrie if I got him in but have chosen not to

Plan 1: week7  duigan to enright.  Otten to heppell
              Week8 libba to Wallace.    Harris/conca/swallow to prem prob chappy
Plan 2: week7 duigan to enright
              Week8 libba to Hibberd Harris/swallow/conca to prem prob chappy
             Week9 or later trade otten to Jacobs or another downgrade rookie.



Leaning towards plan 1 as Wallace could have plenty of upside and I can downgrade stanly or lower to Jacobs if and when he arrives


Wallis won't have a (massive) price rise first week, so... ok...

I presume you mean otten--> hibberd in plan one?

your week 7 for plan one is alright, I dislike week8. I don't like plan 2 at all, premature culling combined with rookies pre-bubble? No.




Yeah it was otten to Hibberd not heppell.

just thinking with my mids so weak I need to upgrade now. Libba may go up another 75k in 5weeks for so but cost me 30pts a week over chappy. If u sorta get my drift. I don't wanna cull them early but really have not much of a choice


you want chappy in your fwds not your mids, as he's essentially the only premium forward who can score like a premo mid (paraphrasing holz there)

You net yourself 40-50 points by the duigan--> enright trade. Maybe look at downgrading mckernan/ matera before your mids?


But chappy will be a good mpp link to my fwds. I eventually wanna downgrade krak. Maybe I'll just downgrade crack to smith then when he plays a few game?

True I'll prob upgrade to Pendles or gaz if he starts lifting his scoring

So u think do the duigan and otten trade and wait on the mids? Just means I miss Wallace who if plays a good game this week will struggle to miss out on upcoming games.


mmm, you can probably cop a single price rise from wallis and still down grade him, considering he got 10 in his first game due to the sub effect.


Quote from: Ziplock on May 04, 2011, 05:17:02 PM
mmm, you can probably cop a single price rise from wallis and still down grade him, considering he got 10 in his first game due to the sub effect.

Yeah that fine. Was gonna do that. But earlier u were saying don't downgrade a rook to they peak. If I wait a few weeks tho Wallace will have gone up to much. I can see wallis being the best downgrade option of any mids for a while.


I'm getting Chapman in midfield then downgrading to Mzungu/Callinan (whoever plays first) in my forward line to swap Chapman into forwards eventually. This allows me to do my midfield upgrades later which I think is a good strategy with blokes like Curnow, Libba, Heppell and D. Swallow all doing so well. Stick with them for a while I say, but Chapman is a decent upgrade over the next fortnight.