Cox or Pendles or Boyd?

Started by LaHug, April 29, 2011, 07:02:34 PM

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Do I take Cox's 121? Or do I go with Pendles or Boyd?
Which option and why? Thanks!


im taking it, u would be pretty BALLSY not to


If you have the option. Bank it. I don't so it'll be Swan for me


okay, here we go again, well i am having swan as captain instead of coxy this week but it really depends where you are sitting in the rankings. if you're travelling well then take teh score but if you need a boost or any sort of improvement take a punt and put proabbly pendles as captain!


I'm going to take it, even if Boyd or Pendles do crank out a 140 you will only gain an extra 19 points or so extra... I'm happy with the 121.


All valid! I shall keep the score. Thanks for the swift responses :D