Back line fix

Started by LaHug, April 29, 2011, 07:00:06 PM

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I have 18 trades left (I know, gross) and 1 left for this week. $233,700 in the bank.
My back line is: Gibbs, Deledio, Heppell, Adcock, Duigan, Stanley, Toy (Lower, Broughton, Otten) - Also got Goddard in mids atm.
My intention is, over the next two weeks (this week and next week) to get two premiums for Otten and Broughton. I'm thinking of getting Gram in for Otten this week, and Suckling or Enright in for Broughton next week.
Thoughts on either/both of these trades?
Are there better options?!


Don't think it's too much to ask for a bit of advice before this falls off the front page... BUMP


nope, i like the sound of it. im doing something similar. Broughton -> enright (as i have goddard already and dont want 2 saints)


Yeah, that's the reason I'm not set on Gram. But with Enright and Suckling both having the week off, I'm not sure of anybody else to get. Are there any different backs worth getting instead? I'd want one playing this week...


As a Hawk fan I'm very happy with how Suckling has started the season, but as a DT coach I have my doubts he can maintain his form to the level I'd want from a keeper. I've got Enright and he's very solid, you might also want to keep an eye on Carrazzo who is scoring well and the price is nice. Grimes is also averaging 88 which is healthy (especially for the backs this year). Not sure about Gram yet, maybe wait and see on him. You should also keep in mind that Otten still has a fairly low B/E and there is every chance he will make it back into the side and earn you another 20 - 30k if you are willing to hold off.

So to answer your question go Broughton to Enright and then wait and see for a couple of weeks before making another move.



Quote from: Mr.Craig on April 29, 2011, 07:33:47 PM
As a Hawk fan I'm very happy with how Suckling has started the season, but as a DT coach I have my doubts he can maintain his form to the level I'd want from a keeper. I've got Enright and he's very solid, you might also want to keep an eye on Carrazzo who is scoring well and the price is nice. Grimes is also averaging 88 which is healthy (especially for the backs this year). Not sure about Gram yet, maybe wait and see on him. You should also keep in mind that Otten still has a fairly low B/E and there is every chance he will make it back into the side and earn you another 20 - 30k if you are willing to hold off.

So to answer your question go Broughton to Enright and then wait and see for a couple of weeks before making another move.
Well, Broughton to Enright will be next week. And I'm not facing donuts any more :) so I should be alright. Thanks for the thoughts. Really upsetting how few premium backs there are.

By the end of the season, my backline will hopefully be:
Gibbs, Deledio, Goddard, Adcock, Heppell and two of Enright, Suckling, Gram... So, if I get Gram now, that pretty much leaves one spot. Or I can get Enright and Suckling next week?


yea i think thats a good idea mate, im deciding whether or not to trade broughton this week, i can trade him to anyone if i want do you think i should trade?


Apparently Otten has knee issues. Now I really might need to trade him...

Footy God

Hold Broughton if named next week. Why trade him now???????

He will be staying in my team all year.


Because he's playing a different role and doesn't look like a premium. Just because he was premium priced, doesn't make him a premium.


Quote from: LaHug on April 29, 2011, 08:28:26 PM
Apparently Otten has knee issues. Now I really might need to trade him...

do you have a source?  :-\




Quote from: TMurphBROWNLOW on April 29, 2011, 08:49:06 PM
huge sigh of relief.
Same here! Now I can get some more cash out of Otten and just upgrade Broughton next week.