FanFooty Dream Teamer of the Round: Round 5! CLOSED

Started by LaHug, April 27, 2011, 05:49:20 PM

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Hey guys, if you haven't seen the DTer of the Round thread yet, see here:,33162.0.html

If you think you might have a shot at being the top FanFooty Dream Teamer of Round 5, or just feel like sharing your score/rank, post how many points you scored, your score rank for that round and your team name.

The winner will be acknowledged for eternity in the Hall of Fame!

As I opened this late, you will have until 12pm tomorrow (Thursday) to get your scores in. After that, this thread will be locked.
No bogus! I will be checking!



And, to get the ball rolling, I may as well start things off.

Team name: LaHug
Score: 2128
Rank for the round: 4497


Name: Buzz Killington
Score: 2240
Weekly rank: 295
overall: 142


Name: The Glynmen VII
Score: 2201
Weekly rank: 890


I have someone in my league ranked 7th. Like, overall :P


Quick note: Because of such late organisation, I have accepted a few "late" entries for this week and this week only.
n4cr123, I have given you a special mention because, well, you deserve it.
Sorry for any inconvenience!