
Started by Hawkahh, March 30, 2011, 08:01:54 PM

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Do u guys think robbie tarrant will keep up his score at 90+.. I think he will myself as it looks like that is the kangas new game style with him and Rawlings setting up from the back kinda like broughton and duffield have done over the last few years... Any feedback or comments about this?? And also Jason gram... Will he average over 90 this years?

Cheerzzz y'all lol



Rawlings> yes can average 90+
Tarrant> maybe 65+ would be a bit to much to ask


I love Robbie! The only thing I didn't like was that he was on my bench and not the field. I hope he can keep it up, he's a great reader of the play but I think he might be given a few tasks so that score will drop to 65 ish but I'd be happy with that.


Robbie Tarrant will not average anywhere near 90


Robbie Tarrant won't average 70