mid priced players. hurting my overall?

Started by fever, March 18, 2011, 06:17:24 PM

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i'm always tempted by "established" players that are in the 200-400k range, however, i think they probably hurt my team overall because i can afford less premiums by having them, and they never seem to live up to the hype i assign them in my mind.

atm i have foley in the mids, petrie as 3rd ruck, higgins, mitch duncan, knights, krakour and gamble in my forwards. seems like overkill, but the potential upside if any or all of them "come good" just can't get me to get rid of them yet.




I was looking at that theory myself and ended up "playing it safe" by going the prems/ rookies set up cos I was losing confidence in the mid tier players I had picked it could work well but players in that price bracket are normally there for a reason eg reliability, injury prone etc if you do go down that path goodluck cos it could worth out perfectly for you


i have  gone with about 6 midpricers (everitt, Foley, Anthony, petrie, knights and otten..) My theory is that i will be able to upgrade my midpricers with usling less trades.. eg.. downgrade harris round 9 then upgrade foley and anthony to ultra premos.. this = less trades used... i think it sounds good in theory and HEY maybe you will get lucky and be able to keep 1 or 2 of them....
As for it hurting your overall i really dont think it will hurt you to much u maybe be a little bit behind come round 4 however selecting the right midpricers who dont have byes early (boak, foley and anthony)they will play where as a normal premos rookie team will have maybe boyd and joey out at the same time... i hope this makes sence to you.

CFC 1979

of all the midpricers you have named i think most of them have very big potential to make you $ except gamble.

go with your gut feeling. if your happy with these guys keep them

good luck dude