patial lockout ??

Started by mcpies, March 22, 2011, 03:45:07 PM

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could someone please help , when is the lock out ??
and what is a partial lock out..?


Partial lockout is Thursday night when the Blues/Tigers match starts. By then, you must have all your Tigers/Blues players sorted. If you make any of them Captain/Vice-Captain/Emergency. They'll be stuck that way. All Tigers/Blues selections are final.

Final lockout is Friday night when the Cats/Saints match starts. Before the Friday lock-out, you can have unlimited trades and movements for players who AREN'T Tigers or Blues players.

... clear as mud?

I.e. after the Thursday lock-out, you can trade out Luke Hodge, but you can't touch Chris Judd.


ossie85 , thank you very much for the info...was worried about all the rookies , at least can have a rough idea ...
thks again

CFC 1979

ha ha

i would still be worried about the rookies. There is still the extended bench for sunday games and the bloody substitute

S.N.A.F.U :o