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Which player

Started by dylsta05, February 27, 2011, 01:33:21 AM

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2 question,

1) A player under 440,000k

2) which midfielder, montagna, boyd, swallow, jack, bartel or other


where in the team for question 1? bac for mid ruc etc?
question 2. montagna.


1. depends wat position but if defence maybe grimes ?
2. depends if u want some money in the bank montagna will proberley score the most but swallow,jack,bartel will score highly too at 50-70k cheaper


1. Not sure on what position you are talking about but I will go with Grimes in the backline, Dangerfield in the midfield & up forward Higgins.
The second 2 options leave a bit of cash as well.
2. Swallow or Jack. Both look like they will improve a lot and will save a bit of cash (again.)


Montags for a a certain 110+, Swallow for a riskier, but possibly money saving 110+ ( might average around 100 though)


1. Josh Kennedy (Sydney)
2. Montagna


Boyd, super durable and will provide you 100+ weekly!
