Rate My Team Thoughts

Started by stewfoss, February 24, 2011, 10:44:14 PM

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I like what the guys at YSCC do with the Rate My Team thread.

They enforce a rule that before posting you own team, you must rate atleast 3 others first.

Just browse through the RMT thread and you can see the benefits of this.
There are a heap of people post they'r teams just for a quick spot of feedback and then disappear.

Something to consider ???

Justin Bieber

It's a good idea but how are we to keep track? The only way is to go to their profile page and see recent posts which not many really know/want to do every time they rate a team.

It's a good idea but many just come to see how there team is stacking up. Making this rating process might scare away some users but does generate some added discussion.

At this stage, don't think we should :). YSCC doesn't have such a big forum as FF so it's easier to keep track on there.

*Peace Out Pplz.


I agree with HP, as much as YSCC is great it is a lot smaller than FF. So it would be a lot easier for Marcus and co. to keep track of this kind of stuff. Given the amount of activity here and the amount of teams posted it would be almost impossible to enforce.


Indeed it is a good idea.

I think an easier idea to enfore is that if you post a thread when other threads have yet to be commented on, that they get deleted.

Justin Bieber

Isn't that what the general consensus is? Didn't somebody make that a rule ???.

*Peace Out Pplz.