Hayes VS Watson

Started by madbomber8, February 18, 2011, 10:36:22 PM

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thoughts? dont have any real thought behind it apart from i had hayes in my team before that showing by watson... good odds my opinion will change again after the ess/stk match in an hour, but just thought id start getting some thoughts.



Both quality players. The choice probably comes down to team balance, depends on how many Saints premiums you have I guess.


yeah that sort of seals it for me... i have goddard gilbert and riewoldt... hayes would be overkill and byes would destroy me.. watson it is..


Watson is a gun but I have a feeling Hayes is underpriced. I couldn't fit him into my own team for that same reason.


just makes you wonder, how can they not dominate again? hayes, goddard, riewoldt, gilbert, montagna, with all the rest not exactly being crap...


I know one thing for sure they'res  a huge gap between the Saints and the next best team, whoever that may be.


hayes only cause youll have to burn a trade if ya make the granny the bombers have a bye in round 24


Upgrade to Hayes after Rd 14 or 15 when the Saints have their last bye. Watson, next season when there are no byes to complicate matters.

Damoz Merry Men


Watson, but he has the bye late