help a brother out!

Started by cjg_47, February 13, 2011, 05:41:33 PM

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here is my team so far. please leave any comments, would greatly appreciate good or bad :)

DEF:   god,  gibbs,  bruce,  deledio,  broughton,  russel,  otten
          (toy,  puppolo,  dulgan)

MID:  swan,  bartel,  swallow,  swallow,  heppell,  mzungu 
         (polec,  atley,  curnow)

RUC:  sandi,  petrie
         (bailey,  z. smith)

FWD: franklin,  sylvia,  n.roo,  j.roo,  pav,  knights,  krakouer
         (richardson,  i.smith,  callinan)

i only have $6,800 and feel i can def improve on my midfield. any advice on where to downgrade would be great.


yo man, i actually like the teamas it is now. if u want to have a 4-2 midfield structure then downgrade russell in the backline and put heppell in the backline..then downgrade j.roo for a rookie if ur keen and use the cash to improve ur midfield,


i'd conisder sandi to cox. Should only be 5 points diff in their ave anyway and can upgrade to big sandi later. cox having a good preseason after no prerseason last year